
Скачать The Forest [0.24b] (2015) PC | RePack от R.G. New Fargus торрент бесплатно!

393 71 Action / Экшн торрент 0 1244 gaming-resource 22.09.2015
The Forest [0.24b] (2015) PC | RePack от R.G. New Fargus
• Версия: 0.22
• Жанр: Action, FPS, Adventure, Indie, Early_Access, Simulator
• Разработчик: Endnight Games Ltd
• Издатель: Endnight Games Ltd
• Язык интерфейса: Русский (+ частичный, русификатор "Книги Выживания" от Nobiscum Deus)
• Язык озвучки: Английский
• Лекарство: Не требуется

■ [М] Системные требования:
√ OС: Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
√ Процессор : Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz
√ Оперативная память: 4 GB RAM
√ Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 8800GT
√ DirectX: Version 9.0
√ Жесткий диск: 5 GB свободного места

■ [Р] Системные требования:
✔ OС: Windows 7
✔ Процессор: Quad Core Processor
✔ Оперативная память: 4 GB RAM
✔ Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
✔ DirectX: Version 9.0
✔ Жесткий диск: 5 GB свободного места

▪ 21.09.2015: Обновлено до версии 0.24b.

☛ Описание:
» Экшен с открытым миром и видом от первого лица, действие которого разворачивается в лесу, где герою предстоит построить убежище и обороняться от генетических мутантов, используя самодельное оружие.

■ Особенности Rепака:
► За основу взята лицензия из Steam
► Ничего не вырезано / не перекодировано
► Версия игры 0.24b
► Вшит русификатор книги от Nobiscum Deus
► Установка 1-2 минуты
► Отличная совместимость с Windows 10
► R.G. New Fargus

■ Список изменений в версии 0.24 | 0.24b:
▪ (multiplayer) Fixed host not counting itself in lobby member count displayed in game browser
▪ (multiplayer) Player list (has ban/kick features)
▪ (multiplayer) Banned players list (has cancel ban feature)
▪ (multiplayer) Title scene displays a message when sent back there after being kicked or banned or attempting to join a banned game
▪ (multiplayer) Fixed weapon damage inconsistency between single player and multiplayer – ie modern axe now takes less chops to chop down a tree in multiplayer
▪ (multiplayer) Fixed bug where enemies would play standing up animation often right after being killed
▪ (multiplayer) Fixed client unable to finish defensive wall reinforcement
▪ (multiplayer) Moved back button down to avoid blocking hosting game by Steam for several hours when clicking too fast on create lobby button at some resolutions
▪ (multiplayer) Fixed mutant babies disappearing for clients when they die
▪ Inventory camera now moves back to fit whole carpet in view at all aspect ratios
▪ (performance) Texture resolution options added to options menu!
▪ Rabbits that are lit on fire turn into edible cooked rabbits when they die
▪ Fixed gamepad navigation in menus
▪ Fixed ghost rock fence not saving properly (might require to recreate the ghosts to have the proper shape)
▪ Fixed distance from water at which fires must be built to be lightable
▪ (Audio) Added break SFX for wooden objects, cardboard boxes, laptops and effigies
▪ (Audio) Updated drinking sound for drinking from water sources such as ponds and water collectors, sound now timed to pond drinking animation.
▪ (Audio) Added bone rattle and cracking atmosphere sounds that react to wind to each of the cannibal art structures.
▪ (Audio) Added new bone sounds to mutant leader movement, hit reaction and attack animations.
▪ (Audio) Added SFX for weapons hitting ground, water, rocks and other inanimate objects
▪ (Audio) Added slide SFX for wooden crates, small cages, tables, rocks, laptops and cardboard boxes
▪ (Audio) Added moaning wind ambient SFX to cave entrances and built structures
▪ (Audio) Added burn SFX for female creepy mutants
▪ (Audio) Rain SFX now responds to wind intensity
▪ (Audio) Added cracking wood sound to fishing stands, sound responds to wind intensity.
▪ (Audio) Added creaking ambient sound to Tree House and Tree Platform structures, sound responds to wind intensity.
▪ (Audio) Fixed female creepy mutant SFX getting left behind as she moves
▪ (Audio)Seagulls make individual sounds
▪ (Audio) Large structures now moan in high wind
▪ (Audio) underwater, swimming sounds, and jumping into water splash made louder
▪ (Audio) Fixed pale mutants sound being muffled
▪ (Audio) Log Cart sound intensity lowered
▪ (audio) Fixed missing katana air Whoosh sound
▪ (Audio) New hacking up mutant body sounds and new hitting/killing animal sounds.
▪ Reduced maximum amount of feathers you can get from hitting dead birds with rocks
▪ Player can now put out lit fires by hitting them
▪ Axe should line up to cut point better when chopping trees
▪ Fixed various animation glitches when transitioning between axe animations
▪ Fixed enemies not jumping over stick & rock fences
▪ Fixed dropped upgraded spear turning into dynamite pickup
▪ Fixed houseboat not floating correctly
▪ Book open animation added!
▪ New art – Enemy club remodeled/retextured
▪ New art – new model for regular crafted club – also now easier to select in inventory
▪ Fixed some breakable wood planks giving leaves and playing plant hit sound effect
▪ Fixed dead screen showing action icons
▪ Fixed big buildings (like the houseboat) flashing out when looking down while placing on slopes
▪ Molotov tutorial now only shows when a molotov is up, and is deemed done when a molotov has been lit
▪ Blood now accumulates on screen for longer whilst getting hurt and stays even longer while in grey zone
▪ Fixed bug with ghost skull decoration when loading a saved game
▪ Fixed place bomb feature showing place talky icon
▪ Fixed action icons disappearing when alt tabbing back in game
▪ Fixed rare case of UI looking doubled
▪ Lowered swing speed of craft club and held enemy club
▪ (performance) New lods added for cliff rocks, cliffs, lake rocks
▪ Fixed suitcases sometimes showing as open but having a locked icon above them.
▪ New cave tileable wall textures added
▪ New cave ceiling textures added
▪ Fixed mutant baby spawning 2 ragdolls when killed with fire
▪ Fixed some survival settings (starvation/thirst/cold) broken after loading a saved game, causing for example breathing duration to be really small
▪ ixed some pathfinding issues with defensive walls
▪ Fixed action icons of inventory item tooltip breaking their scale and position when switching from mouse to gamepad while it is visible
▪ Faster transitions into and out of axe attacks
▪ Thrown molotovs will wake nearby sleeping enemies
▪ Screaming enemies will attract/wake up nearby enemies
▪ New player/timmy animations added to opening plane crash
▪ Hitting hanging bodies now has a chance to spawn cash
▪ Improved foundation system to better work with explosive destruction and improve destruction performance
▪ Fixed an occasional bug when using pouch to collect berries causing all icons to stay visible on bushes in range
▪ Fixed issues with save files date not displaying sometimes
▪ Fixed several file dates issues, including dates of cloud files (should now properly sync only once)
▪ Fixed listening to walkman music not regenerating energy (works once per in game day) + the return of the flashing outline !
▪ Arrows now go through cave doors and can stick to terrain behind !
▪ Fixed slight fired arrow positioning issue
▪ Tweaked arrow physics settings so that it falls down more at it flies in distance. With those settings, a fully charged arrow shoot (5s bending) is very accurate while a mid charged one cannot go far in distance and can only be used for close up combat
▪ Fixed enemies sometimes facing wrong direction when hit with arrows
▪ Fixed enemies sometimes glitching through walls during combat
▪ Fixed skinny mutants appearing to damage defensive walls
▪ Thrown flares should emit more light and be more useful for finding way in dark
▪ Fixed burnt baby texture looking shiny
▪ Building distortion now scales with damage proportional to max HP (from 1x to 10x)
▪ Building distortion now only effective past 0 damage
▪ Fixed upgrades not spawning renderers when reaching max amount
▪ Removed upgrade counters in inventory item tooltip
▪ Now displaying weapon speed & damage values (upgrade bonus included) in inventory item tooltip
▪ Now displaying preview for weapon speed & damage upgrade bonus when adding ingredients on the crafting mat !
▪ Improved inventory item tooltip positioning so that it cannot go below bottom of screen
▪ Lowered penalty of each upgrade type
▪ Arrows now limited to 12 in inventory
▪ New upgrade recipe: Fire arrow (1 arrow + 1 booze)
▪ New upgrade recipe: Bow set ammo (1 bow + 1 arrow, none consumed, sets which arrows are used first by the bow)
▪ Picking up an item while underwater and dropping it underwater no longer equips previously equipped weapon
▪ Fixed lighter tut coming up in caves while underwater
▪ Improved molotov fire particle quality
▪ Fixed issue causing rocks to stop spawning after collecting a large amount
▪ Fixed issue where some hidden caches of dynamite were not pickup able
▪ You can now place rocks in log sled! and switched log sled add to a generic icon
▪ New close range attack animations added to cowman
▪ Fixed some swimzones in cave 6 and in other areas around world that shouldn’t have been there
▪ Fixed issues with jumping into water while holding story clues. Also prevented dropping those items
▪ (performance) Lowered cost of rain particles to render and killed them faster instead of rendering them far under terrain
▪ Deer run away from player more consistently, and run faster
▪ Updated cave 8 enemy layout
▪ Two new story clue pickups added
▪ Terrain – fixing some areas with holes, fixing some cliffs misaligned. Improving look of area around big lake.
▪ New terrain shader, renders faster, looks better. Includes improved snow, wetness near water and more
▪ Improved cave water shader – now easier to see, better reflection and better clearer refractions
▪ Fixed bug where logs could not be added to sled unless you were also carrying a rock along with some other issues related to this and also issues related to sled and saving/loading
▪ (multiplayer) Fixed issue with lighter behaving strangely if other players had molotovs out
▪ Fixed new laptop art missing rigidbody and not able to be pushed around
▪ (multiplayer) Fixed dropped decaying meat missing reference on rabbit
▪ Fixed small bug with deer decoration rendering on top of inventory
▪ Fixed arrow getting consumed on crafting mat when used with bow to set ammo type (it now properly goes back in the arrow stack)
▪ Fixed issue with lighting arrows when having more than 12 arrows in a saved game

⚔ Как играть по сети:

➼ 1. Запускаем Steam и логинимся под фейковым аккаунтом (чтобы основной не забанили);
➼ 3. "Co-op", далее выбираем:
➼ 3.1. Подключение к серверу:
Co-op —> Join Game —> Выбираем сервак и жмем кнопку "Join Game" напротив названия сервера;
➼ 3.2. Создание сервера:
Co-op —> Host Game —> вводим название своего сервака, далее, если хотите пригласить ТОЛЬКО друзей, то надо поставить галочку Private, если хотите сделать общий сервак, то галочку ставить не надо —> Вводим кол-во игроков и нажимаем кнопку "Host"

✅ Примечание:
➤ Для создания сервера, может понадобиться открыть порт: 27000.
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